Mastering 3D Data in CesiumJS: Can You Adjust Elevation?
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Mastering 3D Data in CesiumJS: Can You Adjust Elevation?

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Are you wondering if it’s possible to adjust the elevation of 3D data in CesiumJS? Well, wonder no more! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of 3D visualization and explore the ins and outs of working with elevation data in CesiumJS. Get ready to take your 3D data to new heights (literally!).

Understanding Elevation in 3D Data

In the realm of 3D visualization, elevation refers to the height or altitude of an object or feature above a reference plane, typically the Earth’s surface. In CesiumJS, elevation data is a crucial aspect of creating realistic and accurate 3D models. It’s what gives your 3D scenes depth and makes them feel more immersive.

But why is elevation adjustment so important? Imagine you’re creating a 3D model of a city, and you want to showcase the varying heights of buildings, roads, and other features. Without the ability to adjust elevation, your model would be flat and lack the nuance that makes 3D visualization so powerful.

So, Can You Adjust Elevation in CesiumJS?

The short answer is: yes! CesiumJS provides multiple ways to adjust elevation data for your 3D models. In this article, we’ll explore three methods to get you started:

  1. Using the height Property

  2. Employing the extrudedHeight Property

  3. Leveraging the elevation Property with Terrain Data

Method 1: The height Property

The height property is a straightforward way to adjust elevation in CesiumJS. It’s a scalar value that specifies the height of an entity (e.g., a 3D model or a polygon) above the reference plane.

var entity = viewer.entities.add({
  name: 'My Entity',
  position: Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(longitude, latitude, height), // height in meters
  point: {
    pixelSize: 10,
    color: Cesium.Color.RED

In this example, we’re adding a point entity to the scene with a specified height value. This will position the entity at the desired elevation above the reference plane.

Method 2: The extrudedHeight Property

The extrudedHeight property is similar to the height property but is specifically designed for extruded polygons (e.g., 3D buildings or walls). It allows you to specify the height of the extrusion above the reference plane.

var entity = viewer.entities.add({
  name: 'My Building',
  polygon: {
    hierarchy: Cesium.PolygonHierarchy.fromPositions([
      Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(longitude1, latitude1),
      Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(longitude2, latitude2),
      Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(longitude3, latitude3),
      Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(longitude4, latitude4)
    extrudedHeight: 100 // height in meters

In this example, we’re creating an extruded polygon entity with a specified extruded height. This will give the polygon a 3D shape with the desired elevation above the reference plane.

Method 3: The elevation Property with Terrain Data

When working with terrain data, you can use the elevation property to adjust the elevation of your 3D models. This method involves using a terrain provider to fetch elevation data for a specific region.

var terrainProvider = new Cesium.CesiumTerrainProvider({
  url: ''

viewer.terrainProvider = terrainProvider;

var entity = viewer.entities.add({
  name: 'My Model',
  position: Cesium.Cartesian3.from Degrees(longitude, latitude),
  model: {
    uri: 'path/to/model.glb',
    elevation: 50 // offset from the terrain elevation

In this example, we’re using the Cesium Terrain Provider to fetch elevation data for the scene. We then add a 3D model entity with an offset elevation value, which will position the model above the terrain elevation.

Additional Tips and Tricks

When adjusting elevation in CesiumJS, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Unit Conversions: Make sure to convert your elevation values to meters, as CesiumJS uses meters as its default unit of measurement.

  • Reference Frames: Be aware of the reference frame you’re using. CesiumJS supports multiple reference frames, including WGS84 and Cartesian.

  • Elevation Units: When working with terrain data, ensure that your elevation values are in the same unit as the terrain data (e.g., meters or feet).


In conclusion, adjusting elevation in CesiumJS is a breeze! With the three methods covered in this article, you’ll be able to create stunning 3D scenes with accurate and adjustable elevation data. Remember to keep your unit conversions in check, and don’t hesitate to experiment with different reference frames and elevation units.

So, what are you waiting for? Take your 3D data to new heights and explore the endless possibilities of CesiumJS!

Method Description
height Property Adjusts the elevation of an entity (e.g., point, polygon) above the reference plane.
extrudedHeight Property Specifies the height of an extruded polygon above the reference plane.
elevation Property with Terrain Data Offsets the elevation of a 3D model from the terrain elevation using a terrain provider.

Happy coding, and don’t forget to elevate your 3D data game!

Frequently Asked Question

Got questions about adjusting elevation of 3D data in CesiumJS? We’ve got answers!

Can I adjust the elevation of a 3D model in CesiumJS?

Yes, you can! CesiumJS allows you to adjust the elevation of 3D models by modifying the `height` property of the model’s entity. This property controls the elevation of the model above the terrain.

How do I adjust the elevation of a 3D tileset in CesiumJS?

To adjust the elevation of a 3D tileset, you can use the `addHeights` method of the `Cesium3DTileset` class. This method allows you to add or modify the heights of the tileset’s tiles, giving you fine-grained control over the elevation of the data.

Can I adjust the elevation of a polygon or polyline in CesiumJS?

Yes, you can! CesiumJS allows you to adjust the elevation of polygons and polylines by modifying the `height` property of their respective entities. You can also use the `addHeights` method to adjust the heights of individual vertices or segments.

How do I adjust the elevation of a 3D dataset loaded from a file in CesiumJS?

When loading a 3D dataset from a file, the elevation data is typically stored in the file itself. However, you can still adjust the elevation of the data in CesiumJS by modifying the `height` property of the entity or using the `addHeights` method. You can also use CesiumJS’s built-in terrain and elevation data to automatically adjust the elevation of the data.

Are there any limitations to adjusting elevation in CesiumJS?

While CesiumJS provides powerful tools for adjusting elevation, there are some limitations to be aware of. For example, large-scale elevation adjustments can impact performance, and some elevation data formats may not be compatible with CesiumJS. Additionally, the accuracy and precision of the elevation data itself may impact the results of adjustments.

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