How to Remove Comments from Scala Code: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Antaliya -

How to Remove Comments from Scala Code: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Comments, comments everywhere! As a Scala developer, you’ve probably encountered codebases filled with unnecessary comments, making it difficult to focus on the actual code. Removing comments can make your code more readable, concise, and efficient. But, how do you do it? Fear not, dear developer, for we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll show you how to remove comments from Scala code like a pro!

Why Remove Comments?

Before we dive into the process, let’s discuss why removing comments is essential. Here are a few reasons:

  • Code readability**: Comments can clutter your code, making it harder to read and understand. By removing unnecessary comments, you can focus on the actual code.
  • Code maintenance**: Comments can become outdated or obsolete, leading to confusion. Removing them ensures that your code stays up-to-date and easy to maintain.
  • Code optimization**: Comments can slow down your code compilation and execution. By removing them, you can optimize your code for better performance.

Types of Comments in Scala

Before we learn how to remove comments, it’s essential to understand the different types of comments in Scala. There are two main types:

Single-Line Comments

Single-line comments start with the `//` symbol and extend to the end of the line. They’re used to add quick notes or explanations to specific lines of code.

val x = 5 // This is a single-line comment

Multi-Line Comments

Multi-line comments, also known as block comments, start with the `/*` symbol and end with the `*/` symbol. They’re used to add longer explanations or comments that span multiple lines.

This is a multi-line comment
that spans multiple lines

Removing Comments Using Scala Tools

Scala has built-in tools that can help you remove comments from your code. Here are a few options:


scalafmt is a popular code formatter for Scala that can also remove comments. You can use the `–remove-comments` option to remove comments from your code.

scalafmt --remove-comments YourScalaFile.scala


scala-cli is a command-line interface for Scala that allows you to compile, run, and format your code. You can use the `–no-comments` option to remove comments from your code.

scala-cli compile --no-comments YourScalaFile.scala

Removing Comments Using Third-Party Tools

If you don’t have access to Scala tools or prefer using third-party tools, here are a few options:

IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ IDEA is a popular IDE for Scala development that has a built-in feature to remove comments. Simply select the code you want to remove comments from, go to `Edit` > `Remove Comments`, and voilà!


Eclipse is another popular IDE for Scala development that has a built-in feature to remove comments. Simply select the code you want to remove comments from, go to `Source` > `Remove Comments`, and you’re good to go!

Regular Expressions

If you’re comfortable with regular expressions, you can use tools like `sed` or `awk` to remove comments from your code. Here’s an example using `sed`:

sed '/^\/\//d; /^\/\*.*\*\/$/d' YourScalaFile.scala

Removing Comments Manually

If you don’t have access to any tools or prefer doing it manually, you can remove comments manually. Here’s how:

Removing Single-Line Comments

To remove single-line comments, simply delete the `//` symbol and the text that follows it.

val x = 5 // This is a single-line comment
// Becomes:
val x = 5

Removing Multi-Line Comments

To remove multi-line comments, simply delete the `/*` and `*/` symbols and the text that’s enclosed within.

This is a multi-line comment
that spans multiple lines
// Becomes:

Best Practices for Commenting Code

Now that you’ve learned how to remove comments, it’s essential to discuss best practices for commenting code:

Best Practice Description
Use meaningful comments Comments should add value to your code, not just repeat what the code already says.
Keep comments concise Comments should be brief and to the point, avoiding unnecessary details.
Avoid redundant comments Remove comments that are no longer necessary or have become outdated.
Use comments to explain complexity Comments should explain complex code or algorithms, making it easier for others to understand.


Removing comments from Scala code is an essential step in maintaining clean, concise, and efficient code. By using Scala tools, third-party tools, or manual removal, you can ensure that your code is free from unnecessary comments. Remember to follow best practices for commenting code to ensure that your comments add value and don’t clutter your code. Happy coding!

By following this guide, you’ve learned how to remove comments from Scala code like a pro! Remember to share your newfound knowledge with your fellow developers and keep your code tidy and efficient.

Happy coding, and don’t forget to remove those comments!

Frequently Asked Question

Scala developers, we’ve got you covered! Removing comments from your Scala code can be a tedious task, but don’t worry, we’ve got the answers to your most pressing questions.

What is the best way to remove comments from Scala code?

The best way to remove comments from Scala code is by using a regular expression. You can use a regex pattern that matches comments, and then replace them with an empty string. For example, in Scala you can use the following code: `val codeWithoutComments = code.replaceAll(“””//.*|/\*.*?\*/”””, “”)`. This will remove both line comments (`//`) and block comments (`/* */`).

How do I remove comments from a Scala file using IntelliJ IDEA?

IntelliJ IDEA makes it easy to remove comments from your Scala file. Simply open the file, go to Edit > Find > Replace, and in the search field, enter `\s*(//.*|/\*.*?\*/)\s*`. In the replacement field, enter an empty string and click Replace All. This will remove all comments from your Scala file.

Can I remove comments from Scala code using the Scala REPL?

Yes, you can remove comments from Scala code using the Scala REPL. Simply load your Scala code into the REPL, and then use the `` object to read the code, and the `replaceAll` method to remove the comments. Here’s an example: `“MyFile.scala”).mkString.replaceAll(“””//.*|/\*.*?\*/”””, “”)`. This will read the file, remove the comments, and print the resulting code.

How do I remove comments from multiple Scala files at once?

To remove comments from multiple Scala files at once, you can use a tool like `sed` or `awk` from the command line. For example, you can use `sed` to remove comments from all Scala files in a directory: `sed -i ‘/^\/\//d;/\/\*//,/\*\//d’ *.scala`. This will remove all line comments and block comments from all Scala files in the current directory.

Is there a Scala library that can help me remove comments from code?

Yes, there are several Scala libraries that can help you remove comments from code. One popular option is the `scala-parser-combinators` library, which provides a parser combinator API for parsing Scala code. You can use this library to parse your Scala code, remove the comments, and then reconstruct the code without comments.