How to Retrieve More Than 5000 Documents from Firestore Using Laravel: A Step-by-Step Guide
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How to Retrieve More Than 5000 Documents from Firestore Using Laravel: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of hitting the 5000 document limit in Firestore when querying your data? Do you need to retrieve a large dataset for reporting, analytics, or other purposes? Look no further! In this article, we’ll show you how to bypass this limitation and retrieve more than 5000 documents from Firestore using Laravel.

Why Does Firestore Have a 5000 Document Limit?

Firestore, Google’s NoSQL document database, has a hard limit of 5000 documents that can be retrieved in a single query. This limit is in place to prevent abuse and ensure the performance of the database. However, this can be a major roadblock for developers who need to retrieve large datasets.

The Solution: Using Cursors and Paginating Results

The solution to retrieving more than 5000 documents is to use Firestore’s cursor-based pagination. This allows you to retrieve a subset of documents, then use a cursor to retrieve the next set of documents, and so on. We’ll show you how to implement this using Laravel.

Step 1: Install the Google Cloud Firestore Package for Laravel

First, you’ll need to install the Google Cloud Firestore package for Laravel using Composer:

composer require google/cloud-firestore

Step 2: Set Up Your Laravel Project

Create a new Laravel project and set up your Firestore credentials. You can do this by creating a new file in the `config` directory called `firestore.php` with the following contents:

return [
    'projectId' => 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID',
    'keyFilePath' => storage_path('app/credentials/YOUR_CREDENTIALS_FILE.json'),

Replace `YOUR_PROJECT_ID` and `YOUR_CREDENTIALS_FILE.json` with your actual Firestore project ID and credentials file.

Step 3: Create a Firestore Instance

Create a new instance of the Firestore client in your Laravel controller:

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Google\Cloud\Firestore\FirestoreClient;

class FirestoreController extends Controller
    private $firestore;

    public function __construct()
        $this->firestore = new FirestoreClient();

Step 4: Define Your Query

Define your query using the `collection` method and specify the collection you want to retrieve documents from:

$query = $this->firestore->collection('YOUR_COLLECTION_NAME');

Replace `YOUR_COLLECTION_NAME` with the actual name of your Firestore collection.

Step 5: Use Cursors and Paginate Results

To retrieve more than 5000 documents, you’ll need to use cursors to paginate the results. You can do this using the `limit` and `startAfter` methods:

$pageSize = 5000;
$query = $this->firestore->collection('YOUR_COLLECTION_NAME');
$documents = [];

$lastDocument = null;
while (true) {
    $query = $query->limit($pageSize);
    if ($lastDocument) {
        $query = $query->startAfter($lastDocument);
    $results = $query->documents();
    $documents = array_merge($documents, $results);
    if (count($results) < $pageSize) {
    $lastDocument = end($results);

This code will retrieve documents in batches of 5000 and paginate the results using the `startAfter` method. The `lastDocument` variable keeps track of the last document in the previous batch, which is used as the starting point for the next batch.

Step 6: Process Your Results

Now that you have retrieved all your documents, you can process them as needed. You can use Eloquent’s `hydrate` method to convert the Firestore documents to Laravel models:

models = Model::hydrate($documents);

Replace `Model` with your actual model class.

Bonus: Optimizing Your Query for Performance

To optimize your query for performance, you can use Firestore’s built-in indexing and caching mechanisms. Here are some tips:

  • Use indexes**: Create composite indexes on the fields you’re querying to speed up your query.
  • Use caching**: Use Laravel’s built-in caching mechanism to cache the results of your query. This can reduce the load on your Firestore database and improve performance.
  • Optimize your document structure**: Make sure your document structure is optimized for querying. Use nested fields and arrays to reduce the number of documents you need to retrieve.


Retrieving more than 5000 documents from Firestore can be a challenge, but with Laravel and cursors, it’s a breeze. By following these steps, you can bypass the 5000 document limit and retrieve large datasets from Firestore. Remember to optimize your query for performance using indexes, caching, and optimized document structures.

Keyword Explanation
Firestore Google’s NoSQL document database
Cursors A mechanism for paginating results in Firestore
Pagination The process of dividing a large dataset into smaller chunks for retrieval
Laravel A PHP web framework for building web applications

By following this guide, you’ll be able to retrieve more than 5000 documents from Firestore using Laravel. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck in the Firestore limbo? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are the top 5 FAQs on how to retrieve more than 5000 documents from Firestore using Laravel.

Can I directly retrieve more than 5000 documents from Firestore using Laravel?

Unfortunately, no! Firestore has a maximum limit of 5000 documents per query. To retrieve more documents, you’ll need to use pagination or cursors. Laravel provides a convenient way to paginate Firestore data using the `paginate` method. You can also use the `cursor` method to paginate data.

How do I implement pagination in Laravel to retrieve more than 5000 documents from Firestore?

To implement pagination in Laravel, you can use the `paginate` method provided by the `Google\Cloud\Firestore\FirestoreClient` class. For example: `$documents = $firestore->collection(‘your_collection’)->paginate(10);`. This will retrieve the first 10 documents, and you can then use the `-nextPageToken` method to retrieve the next set of documents.

What is a cursor and how can I use it to retrieve more than 5000 documents from Firestore using Laravel?

A cursor is a pointer that points to a specific document in your Firestore database. You can use cursors to paginate data by specifying the last document retrieved in the previous query. For example: `$documents = $firestore->collection(‘your_collection’)->startAfter($lastDocument)->limit(10);`. This will retrieve the next 10 documents after the last document retrieved.

Can I use a combination of pagination and cursors to retrieve more than 5000 documents from Firestore using Laravel?

Yes, you can! In fact, this is a common approach to retrieve large datasets from Firestore. By combining pagination and cursors, you can efficiently retrieve and process large datasets. For example: `$documents = $firestore->collection(‘your_collection’)->limit(10)->startAfter($lastDocument);`. This will retrieve the next 10 documents after the last document retrieved.

Are there any performance considerations I should keep in mind when retrieving more than 5000 documents from Firestore using Laravel?

Yes, definitely! When retrieving large datasets from Firestore, you should be mindful of performance and cost. Make sure to use pagination and cursors efficiently to minimize the number of reads and writes. Also, consider using Firestore’s built-in caching and indexing features to improve performance. Finally, be aware of the costs associated with large datasets and optimize your queries accordingly.